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[CLOSED][SAFETYNET] India Consultant - Epidemiology Workforce Development


Updated: Mar 21, 2022

Position Description

Position Name: Consultant–Epidemiology Workforce Development

Position type: Full-time

No. of Positions : One (1)

Organization: SAFETYNET

Reporting to: Program Adviser SAFETYNET

Location: NCDC, Delhi

In order to build capacity for surveillance and response the India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) in collaboration with partners is conducting two-year full-time, 18 months part time as well as three-month short courses for frontline health staff. The South Asia Field Epidemiology and Technology Network (SAFETYNET) is hiring staff to work with CDC India to help with the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of both the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS), Intermediate and frontline courses.

The training officers will work with CDC India, MOHFW and other implementing partners in performing the following functions:

  • Develop, implement, and monitor results of surveillance activities, epidemiological studies, and surveys

  • Serve as points of contact for information related to design, partners, timelines, funding, and results of epidemiological studies, and work with the CDC India to develop new studies to meet the public health needs of the country

  • Work on data management for all workforce development activities including monitoring and evaluation activities

  • Mentor and supervise Epidemic Intelligence Service officers and Frontline trainees in the field to provide technical guidance particularly related to field studies such as outbreak investigations

  • Provide ongoing support for capacity building within the MOHFW and other partners to improve existing data collection and analysis, interpretation and integration of data describing outbreaks

  • Work closely with agency staff across public health program areas to make sure that data generated by USG-supported surveys and by the MOH surveillance systems provide targeted information that can be used to support program planning, policy development, advocacy, and impact evaluation

  • Collaborate with CDC India, MOHFW and other implementing partners to lead monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities

  • Work with CDC India and partners to strengthen data management systems that monitor health objectives and indicators for disease surveillance and outbreak investigations

  • work closely with partners, scheduling site visits and meetings with representatives of each collaborating partner organization to ensure that program results are achieved and capacity building, surveillance, and research activities are progressing within appropriate timelines

  • provide trainings for partners and various target audiences (e.g. Ministry public health officials, local public health personnel, doctors, nurses) on how to do outbreak investigations, conduct surveys, monitor and evaluate public health programs, use M&E data, and report progress to key stakeholders

  • analyze data related to surveillance, summarize and report the findings of operational research, proposals, publications for presentations at national and international meetings

  • prepare regular and ad hoc progress reports on surveillance partner activities

  • provide technical direction to interested public health officials and organizations on how to develop proposals that result in a memorandum of understanding, grant, contract and/or cooperative agreement for interventions that deliver surveillance services and for capacity building.

  • Provide technical support to the India EIS officers on their Core Activity of Learning (CAL)

  • Mentor India EIS officers related to outbreak investigations, evaluations of public health surveillance system and epidemiological studies

  • Review EIS reports related to public health response technically and facilitate administrative approval

  • Review scientific abstracts for conferences and scientific presentations at national/international forums

  • Review manuscripts for administrative submission and publications

  • Review progress of the EIS trainees on their CALs and support NCDC in updating database of EIS officer projects

  • Coordinate with the EIS cell for Thursday Afternoon Seminar (TAS)

  • Coordinate common EIS hub activities like monthly seminars, field investigations, EIS annual conference, hub meetings and other activities as assigned.

  • Develop an epidemiological analysis plan, conduct descriptive and analytical epidemiological studies

  • Plan surveillance to assess disease/ health condition/ risk factor burden of public health importance

  • Support in documenting EIS program guidelines, standard operating procedures and required program monthly and quarterly reports

  • Visit to placement sites and field investigation sites to mentor and monitor EIS Officers activities.

  • Any other work assigned by the Head Epidemiology or CDC Resident Advisor

  • The training officers will be based at Delhi, India.

Qualifications for the post

Desirable candidates should have the following qualifications:

  • medical or public health background (relevant degree/s)

  • advanced training in field epidemiology

  • experience in training public health workers

  • familiarity with the Indian public health system

  • excellent English oral and written communication skills

  • willingness to travel anywhere in India.

How to apply

Interested applicants should send their CVs or resume to Dr. Maria Consorcia Quizon, Executive Director, SAFETYNET at on or before 10th of March 2022. Only shortlisted applicants will be interviewed.


The remuneration will be between 2000-2500 USD per month (taxable as per GOI rules) depending on qualification and experience. Additionally travel allowance and per diem will be as per SafetyNet travel policy.


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128 Mac Arthur Highway San Miguel, Tarlac City


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