Cambodia Communicable Disease Control Department (CCDC) has successfully conducted the second FETP intermediate workshop under technical and logistical support from SAFETYNET. This workshop is a two-week workshop which rolled out at CCDC training room from 13-24 Mar 2023. This workshop is one of the five workshops of FETP intermediate program which covered two important domains, epidemiologic studies and statistics.
The 10 trainees who are currently served as public health workers, majority are surveillance officers working at provincial health department and operational health districts, came back from their 10 different provinces across the country to continue their in-class workshop and also presenting their field work assignments in the first field work interval. The facilitators and course instructors of this workshop are the field epidemiologists and public health specialists at Cambodia CDC/MOH, US-CDC Country office, WHO Country office, and SAFETYNET Cambodia.
SAFETYNET profoundly supported this important training workshop under collaboration with its various partners in Cambodia to strengthen the ministry of health response capacity and workforce development.
#FETPintermediate, #CambodiaFETP #SAFETYNET #SAFETYNETUSCDC #CambodiaMOH #CambodiaCDC #publichealthworkforce #publichealth #FETP #fieldepi
