Nepal Frontline FETP graduated the second cohort on June 26, 2023. Epidemiology, Disease Control Division (EDCD) and National Health Training Center (NHTC), Nepal started the training on April 8, 2023 with the technical support from the South Asia Field Epidemiology and Technology Network (SAFETYNET), Philippines and Centers for Disease Control and Research (CDC), Atlanta, USA.
A total of 19 fellows graduated in the second cohort of FETP, Nepal, of them two from the national level, one from the provincial level, fifteen from district level and one from the palika level. For graduation, in 12 weeks of training, the fellows need to prepare monthly reports, data quality audits, annual summaries, and surveillance problem analysis at the local level. They also completed one outbreak investigation each. The course included 80% field activities and 20% classroom sessions.
Dr. Anup Bastola, Acting Director General, DGHS, Dr. Bibek Lal Karn, Director, Family Welfare Division, Dr. Anuj Bhattachan, Director of NHTC and FETP course director, Dr. Yadu Chandra Ghimire from MoHP, Nepal and Dr. Mallick Masum Billah, Resident Advisor for FETP and Country Head, SAFETYNET Nepal, focal persons from WHO, USAID and other partners were present in the ceremony.

FETP, Nepal Second Cohort Graduation Photo, with mentors, program director and senior MoHP Officials.

Certificate awarded by Dr. Anup Bastola, Acting Director General, DoHS, Nepal

Speech by Dr. Anuj Bhattachan, FETP Nepal Program Directors

FETP Nepal Second Cohort graduation photo with Dr. Mallick Masum Billah, Country Head, SAFETYNET