With one health one team approach SAFETYNET in collaboration with University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) started Frontline One Health in August 2023, emphasizing collaboration between different sectors such as environmental ,human, veterinary and wildlife health.
The graduation ceremony for the first cohort of Frontline One Health took place in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, from January 16-19, 2024. Delegates from all four departments attended the graduation along with the Dean (Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences), University Malaysia Sabah
Total 13 trainees mix of cohort from all four departments (human, veterinary, environment and wildlife) holistically worked together as a team. Regular sharing and collaborative discussions facilitated comprehensive understanding of the interconnected aspects of surveillance system and outbreaks.
The diverse group of trainees worked together in assessing surveillance system wherein they provided evidence based recommendation collectively with relevant sectors (Melioidosis, Influenza Like Illness (IL),Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) and Plasmodium Knowlesi) and investigated Food Poisoning and dengue outbreak; took immediate preventive measures as public health action. The collaborative work of mentees promoted cross-disciplinary understanding and unified approach for effective field response.
The mentors and facilitators were from all four departments, experts from university and SafetyNet technical officer.
SAFETYNET provided technical and logistic support during the contact sessions and ensured that the training met the quality of FETP
The graduation of the first cohort signifies a milestone in building a skilled workforce with a One Health perspective in the region.