Cambodia Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) conducted the fourth FETP-intermediate
workshop from 25 July 2023 – 28 July 2023. This four-days workshop was conducted at Angkor
Paradise Hotel, Kampot Province under technical and logistical support of SAFETYNET, Inc. and
US Center of Disease Control and Prevention with a total 25 participants in which 10 are
trainees, 10 mentors, and FETP staff.
This FETP intermediate workshop 4 aimed to provide trainees knowledge and skills on data
analysis planning, and practicing data cleaning, merging and analysis using epi info software.
The workshop was successfully completed with good result. Aside, all 10 trainees presented
their field work assignment of the interval 3 as well. After this workshop finished, trainees will
go back to their workplace and are expected to complete the final products of the FETP
intermediate program such as surveillance data analysis report, surveillance evaluation report,
and outbreak or case investigation report. The last workshop 5 and certificate awarding
ceremony of this FETP Intermediate course will be in September 9, 2023.