Call for Letters of Interest (LOIs): Abbott Pandemic Defense Coalition Field Epidemiology Training Program Fellowship

TEPHINET is pleased to announce the opportunity to submit Letters of Intent (LOIs) for the Abbott Pandemic Defense Coalition(APDC) Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) Fellowship!
This new small grant opportunity, established in partnership with APDC, works to further the mission of the FETP enterprise and offer continuous learning opportunities for epidemiologists around the globe, including the strengthening of epi-laboratory capacity.
Proposed projects should focus on surveillance and pathogen discovery; namely, identification and/or monitoring of genetic diversity and evolution of endemic or emerging pathogens in-country. Current FETP trainees and graduates within two years of their graduation are eligible to apply.
The deadline for submission of LOIs is October 18, 2021. Click here for more information and how to apply.