The 10th Southeast Asia and Western Pacific Bi-regional TEPHINET Scientific Conference will be held online during November 1—November 5, 2021.
Note: This virtual conference will take place during the hours of 10 am to 3 pm, GMT+8.
Current trainees and recent graduates (those who graduated after 2018) of field or applied
epidemiology training programs in the Southeast Asia and Western Pacific regions, as well as those from other regions, are invited to submit late-breaking abstracts online at https://forms.gle/HMWQAzYaW42J5Nvp8 from now to September 15, 2021.
This call for late-breaking submissions is restricted to studies completed after February 28, 2021. All abstracts should be written in English. Each person is allowed only one abstract submission as primary author.
The Scientific Committee will assign three qualified epidemiologists from our pool of abstract reviewers to review each submitted abstract. Abstracts will be considered for oral presentation only.
By the end of September, FETP Program Directors will receive a complete list of the results of latebreaking abstracts submitted from their programs. Upon receipt of the results, directors are expected to communicate the results to those who submitted abstracts. Those whose abstracts are accepted for presentation will also be informed and sent joint invitation letters from SAFETYNET by the beginning of October. They also will receive guidelines regarding the structure and delivery of their presentations for online attendance.