The Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) has been in existence in Vietnam for more than a decade. A distinguishing feature of this program is that it is an in-service training with emphasis on field work to provide hands-on practice to build competencies in surveillance, outbreak investigations and response to address public health issues. In the latest development, the Vietnam FETP has developed and piloted a revised 12-week training program to provide basic surveillance skills to provincial and district health staff. A distinct feature of this new FETP short course training is mentoring in which more experienced epidemiologists provide technical assistance to FETP trainees to conduct field work and develop reports. The FETP therefore has a plan to network and build the capacities ofr these mentors by providing various trainings, seminars for mentors as well as organizing technical discussions among mentors on a regular basis.
The consultant will report directly to the FETP senior advisor and CDC Workforce Development Team Lead. S/he will work closely with staff at the FETP office in GDPM and US CDC to successfully implement activities.
Working closely with the FETP senior advisor and CDC Workforce Development Team Lead and in collaboration with national and international partners, support all aspects of program implementation, review, and strengthening, including but not limited to the following:
Work with FETP office to ensure smooth implementation of FETP short courses and other types of trainings in regard to timeliness & thorough preparation including both technical and financial aspects
Participate in curriculum development and training courses of FETP short courses and other types of trainings, as needed.
Review & improve fellows’ reports, presentations, and abstracts.
Identify needs and develop a plan of capacity building for mentors
Liaison with FETP office, GDPM and regional institutes to prepare quarterly scientific seminars
Work with FETP office on FETP networking activities to create a strong collaboration among mentors, fellows and stakeholders so that the expertise is readily available to serve epidemiology training, outbreak investigation and surveillance activities.
Review mini-grant proposals, track implementation and deliverables of the mini-grants
Work with FETP office to review tracking system of FETP fellows and mentors so that meaningful indicators can be made available for the technical working group (TWG) to discuss necessary strategic modifications to the FETP short course program.
The above tasks will be scheduled in a more specific work-plan that will be developed together with CDC partners and in accordance to the evolution of the FETP over time.
Masters’ in public health required, with a focus on epidemiology preferred.
At least 5 years’ experience in applied public health epidemiology in Viet Nam.
With experience in teaching and mentoring public health staff
Experience working with the Vietnamese MOH and international partners is highly desirable.
High level of diplomacy and ability to work with individuals with diverse backgrounds.
Native Vietnamese speaker with English fluency.
Willingness to travel up to 40 percent of the time, including periodic field investigations on short notice.
Number of posts
One full time contractor.
Salary: USD 2500/month.
Station: Hanoi
8 months, Jan 2020 – Aug 2020
Submit Applications to: safetynet.webteam@gmail.com and malbcarillo0810@gmail.com